I am based in Lancashire, where I have spent the majority of my educational career. Before moving here 26 years ago I trained and worked in London and spent 3 years teaching in Zimbabwe. Apart from 3 years in the Further Education sector my experience has been in state secondary schools (11-16 and 11-18), including the church and secular sectors.
In terms of this project, the wonders of technology means that I can advise and assist anywhere in the country, but if physical attendance at a meeting with a school is needed then Lancashire (or the North West of England) is clearly going to be easiest!
This is a pilot, so it will be interesting to see if remote support works as well as in-person. Finding Common Ground has arisen from informal work with friends and family, coupled with long professional experience - I am looking forward to seeing how it works out on a larger scale....
I would like to find out more about this project. I support its aims and want to pass this information on to parents and other professionals.